Detailed checklist, divided into organisational and technical points.
- Define a responsible person who will regularly update all network devices
- Employee training on remote access
- Supplier training on remote access
- Define how the remote access will be solved and secured
- Check firewall records regularly
- Install a network firewall
- Install a software firewall on the PCs
- Update network devices regularly
- Divide networks into zones so that important business areas are isolated from one another
- Additionally secure the remote access using 2-factor authentication (e.g., SMS code)
- Remote access via VPN
- Separate the guest Wi-Fi from the company network
Why do all of this?
The data traffic in the network should be protected with a firewall. A network firewall of this kind has little to do with the software firewall that Windows already comes with – the latter does not protect the network. A network firewall not only checks incoming data to protect against malware, but also checks outgoing data, thus preventing sensitive data from being stolen. It provides protection against malware and malicious websites. Network protection of this kind also includes measures for devices that are often forgotten, such as network printers. Employees should also be able to access company data as well as applications in the company network, if necessary, at any time. Saving files locally on one's own computer is therefore not useful. In order for files to always be available to all employees, they should be stored either in the cloud or on a separate server that is centrally accessible in the company network.Who will support me in my region?
- Alle Regionen
- Zürich
- Ostschweiz
- Bern & Nordwestschweiz
- Zentralschweiz
- Romandie
- Ticino
- Wallis
- Österreich

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Vision-Inside AG


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Bögli ICT AG

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Vision-Inside AG

Rey Informatik AG


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diag Dienstleistungen AG

Netsafe AG

4net AG AG

Bögli ICT AG

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MAIT Swiss GmbH

inconet technology AG

Vision-Inside AG

CSF Computer Solutions Facility AG

mobile it solutions gmbh

Zubler & Partner AG

itec services AG

Digilan AG

Netrics Thun AG

Selution AG

Dreikom AG

United Security Providers AG

MAIT Swiss GmbH

inconet technology AG