Detailed checklist, divided into organisational and technical points.
Software (operating systems and programs)
Hardware (devices)
- Define a person who will be responsible for the following areas:
- Managing licences
- Periodically reviewing licences
- Periodically reviewing updates
- Replace/update outdated programs, according to risk assessment
- Decide whether private programs are allowed
- Make sure private programs are also updated
Hardware (devices)
- Take an inventory of all devices (e.g., PCs, servers, network devices)
- Replace outdated systems, according to risk assessment
- Physically protect existing systems (e.g., access)
- Decide whether private devices are allowed
- Check private devices for security before use
- Use only current operating systems and applications
- Use only current applications
- Isolate old systems from the network
- Maintain an inventory management system for hardware and software and keep it up to date
Why do all of this?
Your guarantee for secure, functioning IT.
Adding software improvements and software renewals (patches and updates) are central issues when it comes to the security of your IT. This is because a lot of these improvements relate to security gaps in the operating system or even normal application software. One of the most important measures to undertake to be on the safe side is to install all updates for all software as quickly as possible. Basically, a patch fixes a bug in the software. An update, on the other hand, fixes several errors and can also implement new features in the software. The most important thing here is the operating system. Because of its widespread use, Windows is a popular target for hackers. It is therefore essential to always be using the latest version of the operating system.
Who will support me in my region?
- Alle Regionen
- Zürich
- Ostschweiz
- Bern & Nordwestschweiz
- Zentralschweiz
- Romandie
- Ticino
- Wallis
- Österreich
Vision-Inside AG
CSF Computer Solutions Facility AG
TurnKey Services AG
CloudSide AG
insysta GmbH
Rey Informatik AG
netshape AG
Zubler & Partner AG
itec services AG
Digilan AG
Netrics Thun AG
diag Dienstleistungen AG
Netsafe AG
4net AG AG
Continis AG GmbH
Bögli ICT AG
Selution AG
Dacor Informatik AG
eastphone ag
Dreikom AG
inconet technology AG
Vision-Inside AG
Rey Informatik AG
Zubler & Partner AG
Netrics Thun AG
diag Dienstleistungen AG
Continis AG GmbH
Bögli ICT AG
eastphone ag
inconet technology AG
Vision-Inside AG
Rey Informatik AG
netshape AG
diag Dienstleistungen AG
Netsafe AG
4net AG AG
Bögli ICT AG
eastphone ag
inconet technology AG
Vision-Inside AG
CSF Computer Solutions Facility AG
Zubler & Partner AG
itec services AG
Digilan AG
Netrics Thun AG
Selution AG
Dreikom AG
inconet technology AG