Suurstoffi 20
6343 Rotkreuz
6343 Rotkreuz
Why do you personally support the Swiss Cyber Defence DNA Initiative?
EBeing able to actively sell something makes you feel good – but being part of something bigger and meaningful is second to none. In this sense, I am proud and grateful to have created something meaningful for Swiss SMEs and the entire market with this initiative, together with the sponsors. Something from the industry, for the industry.
Where does your company offer added value in relation to the six measures?
As the Swiss market leader for backup services with unmodifiable data sets, we protect the business activities of our customers in measure 1. For measure 6, as well, we offer cloud-based solutions for developing and storing emergency plans.
What do you want from the SME customer?
II would like SMEs to briefly read up on the initiative, understand the essential points, and then implement the measures step by step together with the implementation partner they trust, because they are simple enough – and necessary!
EBeing able to actively sell something makes you feel good – but being part of something bigger and meaningful is second to none. In this sense, I am proud and grateful to have created something meaningful for Swiss SMEs and the entire market with this initiative, together with the sponsors. Something from the industry, for the industry.
Where does your company offer added value in relation to the six measures?
As the Swiss market leader for backup services with unmodifiable data sets, we protect the business activities of our customers in measure 1. For measure 6, as well, we offer cloud-based solutions for developing and storing emergency plans.
What do you want from the SME customer?
II would like SMEs to briefly read up on the initiative, understand the essential points, and then implement the measures step by step together with the implementation partner they trust, because they are simple enough – and necessary!